In Synod News

Siblings in Christ,

“Train up a child in the way it should go, and when it is old, it will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6 

Easier said than done these days when all things education seem to be everything they weren’t last year at this time. As you read these lines, many school districts and higher education facilities have opened their physical and virtual doors to students and educators. Some walk through these doors fully confident that everything will be just like it was when they left the building. Others are not ready to return to any facility or “normal” activities yet. Wherever you are, please know that we hold you in prayer, and we understand. These times are stretching us all and show us our limits and boundaries. 

At a staff meeting one member of the team shared that they had attended a bible study in which they were invited to think of this crisis as a classroom. Therefore what are we learning? And how are we applying what we are learning? Your synod staff learned that we will need to remain flexible in what we offer to people as they look at us to find Christ’s word of new life and hope.

Therefore, the synod staff and a team of dedicated rostered and lay leaders have been working hard to create a “Canvas” of online curriculum that aid your congregation’s faith formation opportunities (Confirmation and Sunday School). 

If you would like to learn more about these resources and how you can use them in your context and connect with others that use them also, feel free to reach out to your synod office and one of our staff members will share with you how we can be partners in forming faith in times that are uncertain, but where Christ remains the same today, as he was yesterday and will be tomorrow. 

Grace and peace,
Bishop Constanze

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