“If you persist in staying silent at a time like this, help and deliverance will arrive for the Jews from someplace else; but you and your family will be wiped out,” (Esther 4:14).

“I’ll go to the king, even though it’s forbidden. If I die, I die,” (Esther 4:16).

Read the book of Esther


By Jamie Duprey (SD Life Coach Coordinator, Hill City, SD)

A few years ago, I was teaching elementary school in Montana. One morning found me preparing the library, lounge, and a few classrooms for some guests who were coming to lead our staff in a training. My friend and colleague was helping me plug in Crock Pots of soup, organize folders and packets, and most importantly prepare the coffee. I recall him stopping short and asking me, “Why are you the one doing this work?”

He must have wondered that since I wasn’t the principal, nor did I have any special title, then why was I doing this “extra work.” It amazes me how often I reflect on that moment. A quote from Malcolm X entered my mind, (I didn’t know at that point it was Malcolm X, but thanks to Google I do now): “If not now, then when, if not me, then who?”

Like Esther, God is constantly working in us and calling us to be his hands and feet, even in seemingly insignificant moments and settings. Sometimes we may even feel we are being called to do “extra work,” but if we don’t do it, who will? Mordecai’s wise words should convict us that we must stand up and be brave and obedient enough to lead and follow where God calls us.

Though we may not be called to risk our lives to approach a king and beg to spare a people from a massacre, we find ourselves in situations where we are called to lead, or to follow a new leader. As we continue to pray for future leadership in our church, may we be encouraged by Esther’s courage, conviction, obedience, and trust.


Dear Lord, thank you for stories like Esther’s, that give us courage and hope to discern ways we can speak up and stand up for what is right, even when we feel uncomfortable or unqualified. Help us to live out your Word through our own thoughts, actions, and words, even and especially when we feel intimidated and inadequate. In your name we pray. Amen.


ELW 574 “Here I Am, Lord”


When have there been times in your life where you have wondered if you are supposed to speak up or take action, but you are not exactly sure how? How does Esther’s story encourage you?


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