We invite you in on a story.

A story about two people journeying down the road from a major city to a nearby town. Three days had passed after someone close to them had been killed and, as if that wasn’t enough yet, dear friends of theirs had also brought the unbelievable news that the person who had been killed is no longer dead, but alive.

We know this story. We have heard this story. We’ve lived this story.  It is a story full of grief, hope, amazement, and new beginnings. We, as the South Dakota Synod, invite you on this journey with us as we go along the road together with Christ.

Join us for the Emmaus Talks: Stories from the Road beginning on October 18 from where ever you are located! Bishop Hagmaier and your synod staff will lead Bible studies, listen from you, and share with you this new journey we are on together as the South Dakota Synod.

Sign-up for a time that works best for you. All events will follow the same program and begin at 6:30 PM CT. Click the link below to receive the Zoom invitation.

Sign-Up to Receive the Zoom Link

Register – October 20

Register – October 22

Register – October 27