40 Day Journey with Our Neighbors in Solidarity
Week 2: Companion Synods in Nicaragua and Cameroon
Written By: Nathalie Fida Lassang, SD Synod Companion Synod Coordinator
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”
While growing up in the little town of Ngaoundere in northern Cameroon, I learned to memorize scripture. John 3:16 was among the first scriptures I remember committing to memory. It was easy to recite this as a child. As an adult, and now as a mother I have found a new appreciation for this Bible verse. If you are a parent, you know what I mean. Imagine losing a child- God forbid. Now imagine choosing to lose a child. That’s not all- imagine choosing to lose your ONLY child. I am amazed when I read in the Old Testament about people offering their children as sacrifices to gods. No doubt the act of sacrificial giving has powerful spiritual implications, whether it is done for good or bad. Remember Abraham who was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac out of obedience to God? God therefore made a covenant with him, and an entire nation was blessed because of Abraham’s obedience to God. While it is evident that making sacrifices does not come easily, when we think about why we ought to sacrifice, it becomes bearable. Why offer sacrifices? Because sacrifices are acts of love. For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. An act of sacrifice is always accompanied by something greater. In the case of Christ, it led to our salvation. Today I invite you to ask the Holy Spirit to show you what it is you might sacrifice to show love to your neighbor. It could be your time, money or something else. As you obey the leadership of the Holy Spirit, write down the positive outcome that results from your sacrificial act.
Dear Heavenly father, thank you for your act of sacrifice through which we have the promise of eternal life. We pray that you teach us to be like you in giving sacrificially to show love to our neighbor. We pray especially that your Holy Spirit guides us into what sacrifices we might make to show love to our siblings in Nicaragua and Cameroon. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Today’s Practical step:
Make a gift to support the Lutheran Church of Cameroon and the Lutheran Church of Nicaragua.