Preaching with Confidence: Finding Your Voice
Spring Theological Conference
April 11, 2023 – April 13, 2023
Watertown, SD
Preachers have a lot to learn from stand up comics. These comics are masters of form and storytelling. And comics are doing innovative work in sharing their comedy online. Ashley M. Wilcox uses video clips of stand up routines to draw parallels between comedy and preaching.
Your preaching doesn’t have to be funny, but it can be!
About Ashely M. Wilcox
Ashley M. Wilcox is a Quaker minister and the bestselling author of The Women’s Lectionary: Preaching the Women of the Bible throughout the Year (Westminster John Knox Press).
Ashley is passionate about helping preachers find their voices. She taught preaching to students at Candler School of Theology for five years and now has her own preaching coaching practice, Preaching with Confidence. Ashley also teaches courses for Woodbrooke (a Quaker center in Birmingham, England) and Guilford College.
Ashley is a graduate of Candler School of Theology and Willamette University College of Law. She preaches and speaks across the U.S. and internationally. Her writing has been featured in Working Preacher, Friends Journal, Fidelia, and Quaker anthologies.
Born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska, she now lives in Greensboro, North Carolina. You can learn more about Ashley on her website,

Ashley M. Wilcox
Preaching Coach, Speaker, and Workshop Leader
Author of Preaching the Women of the Bible throughout the Year (Westminster John Knox Press)
Lodging is available at the Ramkota Hotel in Watertown (1901 9th Ave SW, Watertown, SD 57201) and there is a block of rooms held under “South Dakota Synod Spring Conference”. The cost for a room is $95.99 plus tax. Each registrant is responsible for making lodging arrangements. Call 605-886-8011.
About the Conference
The 2023 Spring Theological Conference will be hosted by the Prairie Coteau Conference and held in person at two locations:
April 11th: Grace Lutheran Church, 202 2nd St SE, Watertown
April 12th and 13th: Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer, 20o1 2nd St NW, Watertown
Download an informational pamphlet with schedule and details here.

Tuesday, April 11 (At Grace Lutheran)
Wednesday, April 12th (at LCOOR):
8:15 AM Announcements and Introductions
8:30 AM Morning Devotion
9:00 AM Session II: Ashley M. Wilcox
10:15 AM Break
10:30 AM Open Door Group
Wednesday, April 12th (continued):
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Free Time in Watertown
5:30 PM Social Time at the Ramkota Hotel, 1901 9th Ave SW, Watertown, SD 57201
6:30 PM Meal at the Ramkota with Synod Update from Bishop Hagmaier
7:30 PM Social Time
Thursday, April 13th (at LCOOR):
8:45 AM Announcements and Introductions
9:00 AM Session III: Ashley M. Wilcox
10:30 AM Break
10:45 AM Closing Worship
Online Registration
Cost: $125
Registration closes Tuesday, March 28th.