What is a “synod”?
In the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), a synod is a district, usually geographic, which coordinates the work of congregations within its territory. There are 65 synods in the ELCA, each of which elects a bishop who not only serves his or her synod but also the whole ELCA, meeting regularly in gatherings of the Conference of Bishops.  Click here to view a map of the ELCA synods.

Who is the bishop of the South Dakota Synod? How can I contact the bishop’s office?
The bishop is the Rev. Constanze Hagmaier, who was elected to a six-year term at the South Dakota Synod Assembly in June 2019. You may contact Bishop Hagmaier at:

Bishop Constanze Hagmaier
South Dakota Synod, ELCA
Sioux Falls, SD 57197

How do I find out what’s going on around the South Dakota Synod?
See our Events Posts and Synod News Posts for the latest goings-on.

Whom do I contact if I’m interested in becoming a Pastor or Deacon in the ELCA?
Visit our Candidacy page for complete information and links.

Whom do I contact if I’m interested in making a gift to a ministry of the synod or ELCA?
Please visit the Synod’s Make a Donation or contact Rev. Jonathan Vehar, Associate to the Bishop, at 605-274-4011 or jvehar@sdsynod.org.

How can I find an ELCA congregation near me?
The ELCA maintains a congregation locator on the ELCA website.

Where can I find out more about the Lutheran church?
Visit the ELCA website and follow the links under ELCA Teaching for good information.

What is Definitions and Guidelines for Discipline, and where can I find it?
As an expression of its life in the gospel of Jesus Christ, this church embraces disciplinary processes of counseling, admonition, and correction, with the objective of forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing. These definitions and guidelines describe the grounds for which rostered ministers may be subject to discipline according to the practice of this church. Their purpose is juridical: to assist in the processes of consultation, discipline, and appeals. You can find the document here.