2023 Celebrate! Glocal Youth Mission Trip
July 5, 2023-July 10, 2023, Minneapolis, MN
The Celebrate! Glocal Youth Mission Trip invites junior high and high school youth from across the ELCA to participate in local service projects in the Minneapolis area and engage in the Sudan Mission Centennial Celebration.
This registration form is to be completed on behalf of the youth group attending the event by the designated leader. Personal information for each participant will be collected separately, not in this form.
A block of rooms is reserved at the Hilton Garden Inn – Minneapolis Downtown (1101 S 4th Ave in Minneapolis) under the name ‘ELCA’. To reserve your group’s rooms at the Hilton, call (612) 339-6633 or email Andrea.Krawczyk@hilton.com. You can also book your rooms using this link.
The non-refundable $100 deposit secures your group’s participation. The participant costs ($400 per youth and $600 per adult) will be due prior to the event. You can download an informational flyer here.
A detailed schedule will be sent upon registration. We look forward to seeing you in July!
Celebrate! Glocal Youth Mission Trip
07/05/2023 - 07/10/2023
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM