In Synod News

Rural Ministry Ambassadors Introduction

As part of the Journeying Together in Christ Initiative, the South Dakota Synod is expanding our ability to serve and accompany our rural congregations with the addition of three Rural Ministry Ambassadors. The work of our Ambassadors is funded through a grant from Lilly Foundation, Inc. Living throughout South Dakota, these part-time additions to the synod staff work with Rev. Joel Pakan, Director for Rural Ministries, to accompany congregations in times of need and connect congregations one to another throughout our seven conferences and the whole synod. Our Ambassadors and Director may all be contacted with one simple email: Visit our Rural Ministry page at to find out more.

Our Western Ambassador is Rev. Becky Piper. 
Pastor Becky has been a pastor in the South Dakota Synod since 2005 serving rural, multi-point and large church congregations. She currently serves part-time at Grand River Lutheran Church in Buffalo. Becky also supervises two Wartburg Seminary students who serve as Vicars within congregations of the SD Synod. She enjoys reading, running with her dog and hiking. Becky lives in Rapid City with her spouse Rev. David Piper and her youngest son, Joshua. She enjoys her weekly FaceTime calls with her oldest son, Corban, who is a first-year student at PLU. Becky is looking forward to expanding the support of small town and rural congregations as a Rural Ambassador. You can reach Pastor Becky at

Our Central Ambassador is Jill Munger.
Jill is a life-long Lutheran having grown up in a small town ALC church in Scotland, SD and attending numerous ELCA churches in Rochester, MN, Parker, Vermillion, and now Mitchell SD.  She has been active in the church throughout her adult years as a Lutherans Outdoors camp counselor, Sunday School teacher, confirmation guide, Sunday School Superintendent, WELCA officer, Bible study leader and Senior High youth leader.  She is an Augustana University graduate and recently retired from a 38-year career in nursing. She currently works in her church’s preschool / daycare program.  She and her husband, Rev. Scott Munger, have two adult children.  She can be reached at

Our Eastern Ambassador is Reid Christopherson.
Reid Christopherson provides active lay pulpit supply throughout southeastern South Dakota. He retired in 2014 following a 40 year career in the U.S. Air Force and the South Dakota Air National Guard. This was followed by his next career as the Executive Director of the South Dakota Wheat Commission. Reid earned BS and MS degrees from South Dakota State University in Animal Science. He was trained as a Livestock Nutritionist and enjoyed this as an early career until the ag economy crisis, in the late 1980’s, redirected his life. Reid and his wife Ruth live on a small farm near Garretson SD. They were charter members of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls and are now members of Zion Lutheran in Garretson. Reid is a Past President of both Gloria Dei and Zion. He later served as a member of the South Dakota Synod Council and then as a member of the Churchwide Council and Executive Committee of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. He also had the wonderful opportunity to develop friends within the St. Dysmas of South Dakota congregations where he served as the Outside President. Reid is also an extremely active member of Scouting America (BSA) and Lions International. When time permits he enjoys projects in the restoration of antique tractors and trucks, along with a developing interest in blacksmithing. Reid and Ruth have two adult children and one granddaughter. You can reach Reid at

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