On Tuesday, November 11th the Capital Inn and Suites burned. A number of the people lived here and called it home. The Red Cross and other agencies have worked with the people effected and the Oahe Long Term Disaster Recovery Team has met and is looking at the needs of the residents. 68 people have gone through the Red Cross case management process and Pierre Area Referral Service (PARS) has helped many people. The greatest need right now is for housing, both short term and long term. If you are interested in sending a donation, PARS has established a housing assistance fund for this purpose and you can send it to 2520 E. Franklin, Pierre, SD, 57501. You can also go to www.pierreareareferral.org and donate online. If you donate on line it might also be good to email them and let them know that this donation is for the fire disaster.
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