Solidarity is a commitment with others and a way of seeing, being, and acting. Solidarity means seeing and experiencing one’s own well-being as connected to the well-being of others and the communities to which they belong. Solidarity often involves people aligning themselves with others who do not have the same experiences. The principle of solidarity compels respect for the lived experience of all our brothers and sisters. Solidarity encourages us to share in our neighbor’s suffering and to participate in their liberation.
Across the South Dakota Synod, we have many specialized or supported ministries. Each of these ministries proclaims the Gospel and carries out the mission of our church in a specific way – sometimes working with those who have no home, sometimes building a new faith community, sometimes working with prisoners. We call these ministries “Neighbors in Solidarity” to celebrate that their work is our work, too. Jesus calls us to imagine our neighbors in a broad sense, and we stand together – in solidarity – with these ministries to share the love of Christ. These ministries are your ministries, because we are the body of Christ together.
What you can do
Christ accompanies us on our journey through prayer. God is always there for us. Regular prayer engages us with God’s presence and God’s reconciling mission. Pray about your role in God’s Mission in the world, and more specifically in South Dakota.
Learn about the ministries, the people impacted by these ministries and consider what your role might be in standing in solidarity with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Listen and share stories of others as a way of building relationships.
We can share our resources: money, time, and expertise. We can become an ally, working to equip ourselves and our neighbors. God invites us all to the table and then sends us to share and serve each other.
Where does your support go
The South Dakota Synod responds to God’s call to share the reconciling gospel of Jesus Christ with all people, from all nations and walks of life. “Neighbors in Solidarity” gives you the opportunity to support amazing ministries throughout the South Dakota Synod.
Who is my neighbor?
- Church on the Street, Sioux Falls
- Companion Synods in Nicaragua and Cameroon (funded through the SD Synod Companion Synods)
- First Lutheran African Ministry, Sioux Falls
- Lutheran Campus Ministries (LuMin) in Aberdeen, Brookings, Rapid City, Spearfish, and Vermillion.
- McLaughlin Community Alliance Group
- Pine Ridge Reconciliation Center, Pine Ridge
- Pueblo de Dios, Sioux Falls
- St. Dysmas (funded independently)
- Shepherd’s Table, Sioux Falls
- Spirit of Hope, Scotland
- Woyatan Lutheran Church, Rapid City