Companion Synods
The ELCA Companion Synod Program forges relationships between the 65 synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and companion churches around the world, fellow members of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF).
The South Dakota Synod, ELCA, is in companionship with two churches:
Sponsor an SD Synod Missionary!
We have missionaries in both Nicaragua and Cameroon and you are invited to support their continued ministry. For more information about missionary sponsorship, download the Hand in Hand Sponsors Guide and fill out the Missionary Sponsorship Covenant (fillable or printable).
Thanks for joining the many congregations, Women of the ELCA units, organizations and individuals who make a world of difference.
Our mission is to develop strong relationships between the SD Synod and the church body in Cameroon and in Nicaragua. Members of this committee are volunteers with a passion to walk with our brothers and sisters in Cameroon and Nicaragua to bring the Gospel to all and to alleviate injustice. Micah 6:8 “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God”.
If you need more information on our companion synod relationships please contact the Companion Synod Coordinator at
Companion Synod Coordinator
Rev. Dr. Aaron Matson
Email Pastor Aaron at