This list of resources is under construction. An updated resource list with updated documents will be available soon.

2017 Synod Assembly
2017 Ballot (pdf)
2017 Preliminary Report (pdf)
2017 SA Detailed Report PDF (pdf)
2017 Synod Assembly Minutes (pdf)
2017 Synod Assembly Proposed Agenda (pdf)
2017 Synod Assembly Resolutions Packet (pdf)
2017 Synod Audit Report (pdf)
2018 Mission Plan (pdf)
2018 Synod Assembly
2018 Bishop Term Limit Rationale (pdf)
2018 S8.51.10 QA Resource (pdf)
2019 Synod Assembly
2018 Audit (pdf)
2019 Ballot (pdf)
2019 Preliminary Report (pdf)
2019 Resolutions Packet (pdf)
2019 Synod Assembly Minutes (pdf)
2019 Synod Assembly Sermon (pdf)
2020 Mission Plan (pdf)
A 2020 Compensation And Guidelines For Pastors In Parsonages (pdf)
B 2020 Compensation And Guidelines For Pastors Receiving A Housing Allowance (pdf)
C 2020 Compensation And Guidelines For Deacons (pdf)
D 2020 Compensation And Guidelines For Lay Leaders (pdf)
Prelim Agenda (pdf)
Rules of Parliamentary Procedure (pdf)
2020 Year End Materials
1 2020 Year End Memo (pdf)
2a 2020 ELCA Annual Report Cover Spreads (pdf)
2b 2020 ELCA Annual Report Cover Single Pages (pdf)
3 Annual Report From Bishop Constanze Hagmaier (pdf)
4 Strategic Vision Of The SD Synod (pdf)
5. Strategic Vision - Professional Print Version (pdf)
6 2020 Ministry Celebration (pdf)
7b Electronice Meetings Synod Guidance - Secretary Vehar (pdf)
8 2021 Synod Mission Plan (pdf)
9 Annual Report Of LPGSD (pdf)
Joining A Zoom Meeting For The First Time (DOC) (docx)
Joining A Zoom Meeting For The First Time (PDF) (pdf)
Remote Meeting FAQ For Congregations 20201215 REV (pdf)
2021 Synod Assembly
1 Resolution To Elect South Dakota Synod Council Members (pdf)
2 Resolution For 2022 Compensation And Guidelines For Rostered Ministers And Lay Staff (pdf)
2021 Ballot (pdf)
2021 Synod Assembly Preliminary Report Packet - Web (pdf)
2022 Compensation And Guidelines For Lay Leaders (pdf)
2022 Compensation And Guidelines For Rostered Ministers (pdf)
3 Medicaid (pdf)
4 Elect 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly Voting Members (pdf)
5 Support ELCA World Hunger Efforts (pdf)
6 Land Acknowledgement Resolution (pdf)
7 Recognition Of Dr Carla Borchardt (pdf)
8 Update To The Synod Constitution (pdf)
9 Synod Council Ratification (pdf)
Conference Map (pdf)
Quick Guide To Parliamentary Procedure (pdf)
Resolutions 2021 Synod Assembly Packet (pdf)
Revised Preliminary Agenda - 2021 Assembly (pdf)
Standing Rules 2021 Synod Assembly (pdf)
Synod Assembly (SD Synod Constitution & Bylaws September 2019) (pdf)
2021 Year End Materials
1 2021 Year End Cover Letter (pdf)
2a 2021 Annual Report Cover (single) (pdf)
2b 2021 Annual Report Cover Spread (pdf)
4 2021 Ministry Celebration (pdf)
5 Neighbors In Solidarity Challenge (pdf)
6 Strategic Vision Of The SD Synod (pdf)
7 2022 Mission Plan Short Version (pdf)
8 LPGSD Annual Report To Congregations 2021 (pdf)
9 Remote Meeting FAQ For Congregations (pdf)
Annual-Report-from-Bishop-Constanze-Hagmaier (pdf)
AMMPARO Workshop PowerPoint - June 2017 (pptx)
Bishop Election - 2019
Bishop Election - Letter from the Synod Vice President and Q&A (pdf)
Executive Summary Synod Study For 2019 Bishop Election (pdf)
Synod Study For 2019 Bishop Election (pdf)
Call Process/Supply Lists
Compensation and Benefits - Deacon (pdf)
Compensation And Benefits For A Pastor - Guide (pdf)
Compensation and Benefits For A Pastor Form (pdf)
Compensation and Benefits Guide (Deacon) (pdf)
Compensation-Calculator-Lay-Roster (xlsx)
Compensation-Calculator-No-Parsonage (xlsx)
Compensation-Calculator-with-Parsonage1 (xlsx)
Covenant For SAMs (pdf)
Definitions And Guidelines For Discipline 2021 (pdf)
Devotions For Congregations In Call Process (from SWMN Synod) (pdf)
Guide to the Rostered Minister Profile (RMP) (pdf)
Maintaining Benefits In Transition (pdf)
Ministry Site Profile Guide (pdf)
Mutual Ministry Handbook (pdf)
Post-Employment Agreement (pdf)
SAM Definition Of Responsibilities (pdf)
South Dakota Synod Call Process Manual (pdf)
Vice Pastor Agreement (pdf)
2017-2018 Academic Year Seminary Scholarship Application (pdf)
Background Check Authorization Form (pdf)
Candidacy Checklist (pdf)
Candidacy FAQs (pdf)
Candidacy Manual 2018 (pdf)
Definitions And Guidelines (pdf)
Endorsement Panel Information Sheet (pdf)
Entrance Panel Information (pdf)
FAQs for Assignment Forms (pdf)
FLC Seminary Scholarship Application (doc)
Forms Deadline Schedule September 2017 (pdf)
Ordained Minister Candidacy Checklist (pdf)
Reference Form for Candidates (pdf)
Clergy Financial Resources
Clergy Expenses 2019 (pdf)
Clergy Housing Parsonage Manse 2019 (pdf)
Highlights Of Minister Tax Issues - 2020 (pdf)
Pastors Compensation & W2 Worksheet - MASTER (pdf)
Portico Benefits Services EmployerLink (html)
Proofing Your W-2 2019 (pdf)
Coaching Covenant Template (pdf)
Coaching Fee Structure In The SD Synod (pdf)
Compensation and Guidelines (2020)
A 2020 Compensation And Guidelines For Pastors In Parsonages - Final (pdf)
B 2020 Compensation And Guidelines For Pastors Receiving A Housing Allowance - Final (pdf)
C 2020 Compensation And Guidelines For Deacons -final (pdf)
D 2020 Compensation And Guidelines For Lay Leaders -final (pdf)
Compensation and Guidelines (2022)
2022 Compensation and Guidelines for Lay Leaders (pdf)
2022 Compensation And Guidelines For Rostered Ministers (pdf)
Congregational Remittance Form (pdf)
Technical Problems And Adaptive Challenges (pdf)
Amending The Constitution To Include C10.08 (pdf)
Best Practices For Amending Your Constitution (pdf)
Constitution Revision Flow Chart (pdf)
Guide for Use of the Model Constitution for Congregations (pdf)
Model Constitution For Congregations 2019 (docx)
Rostered Ministry Declaration for Congregations (doc)
SD Synod Constitution & Bylaws September 2019 (pdf)
Medicaid Resources
Bread for the World (html)
Medicaid Congregational Resource Sept 2021 (pdf)
Medicaid Expansion Letter To Governor Noem And SD Legislature (pdf)
Social Statement - Caring for Health: Our Shared Endeavor (html)
South Dakotans Decide Healthcare (html)
Neighbors in Solidarity
Intro To NiS Month (pdf)
Neighbors In Solidarity - Insert (pdf)
NiS Sunday Worship Planning And Prayer Resource (pdf)
Newsletter Resources
August 2020 Newsletter Inserts (pdf)
August 2020 Newsletter Inserts (docx)
February 2021 Newsletter Inserts (pdf)
February 2021 Newsletter Inserts (docx)
January 2021 Newsletter Inserts (pdf)
January 2021 Newsletter Inserts (docx)
July 2020 Newsletter Inserts (docx)
July 2020 Newsletter Inserts (pdf)
June 2020 Newsletter Inserts (pdf)
June 2020 Newsletter Inserts (docx)
May 2020 Newsletter Inserts (docx)
May 2020 Newsletter Inserts (pdf)
October 2020 Newsletter Inserts (docx)
October 2020 Newsletter Inserts (pdf)
September 2020 Newsletter Inserts (pdf)
September 2020 Newsletter Inserts (docx)
Rostered Ministers
How To Leave Well (pdf)
Sem Debt Reduction Application 2021 Fillable (pdf)
Seminary Debt Reduction Application 2020 (pdf)
Sexual Misconduct
Reporting Sexual Misconduct (pdf)
Basics of a Good Stewardship Campaign (pdf)
Live Simply Stewardship Program (pdf)
Mission Support Trends - 2017 (pdf)
Summer Stewardship Days Packet (pdf)
Where does my offering go? (pdf)
Suicide Prevention Resources
Additional Resources - Suicide Prevention (pdf)
Sample Crisis Intervention Protocol (pdf)
Sample Crisis Management Protocol (pdf)
Sample Crisis Team Members (pdf)
SD State Suicide Facts (pdf)
Suicide Prevention Checklist & Warning Signs (pdf)
Suicide Prevention Workshop- Handout And Links (pdf)
Synod Council Minutes
Assembly Minutes 2019 (pdf)
Assembly Minutes 2021 (pdf)
Synod Council Minutes August 2020 (pdf)
Synod Council Minutes August 2021 (pdf)
Synod Council Minutes December 2020 (pdf)
Synod Council Minutes December 2021 (pdf)
Synod Council Minutes January 2021 (pdf)
Synod Council Minutes June 2020 (pdf)
Synod Council Minutes June 2021 (pdf)
Synod Council Minutes March 2020 (pdf)
Synod Council Minutes March 2021 (pdf)
Synod Council Minutes October 2020 (pdf)
Synod Council Minutes October 2021 (pdf)
2020 Synod Day Worship (pdf)
Come Let Us Worship - In Person Worship Resource In Times Of Pandemic (pdf)
Day Of Prayer For Schools And Educators (pdf)
Holy Communion Resource - Extending the Table (pdf)
Year End Resources (2018)
2018 Annual Report Cover Single Pages (pdf)
2018 Annual Report Cover Spreads (pdf)
2018 Year End Memo to Congregations (pdf)
Adopted Mission Plan 2019 (Budget) (pdf)
Annual Meeting Tip Sheet 2018 (pdf)
Bishop Zellmer's Annual Letter (pdf)
Frequently Asked Questions (pdf)
Parliamentary Procedure (pdf)
Statement of Intent (pdf)
Stories Of Faith In Action 2018-19 (pdf)
Where Does My Offering Go (pdf)
Year End Resources (2019)
*Memo To Congregations (pdf)
1 Annual Letter From Bishop Constanze Hagmaier (pdf)
2 Annual Report Cover (pages) (pdf)
2 Annual Report Cover (spread) (pdf)
3 Stories Of Faith In Action (pdf)
4 Where Does My Offering Go? (pdf)
5 SD Synod Mission Plan (pdf)
6 How To Use Stories Of Faith In Action (pdf)