What Is Discernment?

Discernment: it’s a big word. Essentially, it means: “Perceiving the will and way of God in the church and in your life … The question is not, ‘Do I have gifts for ministry?’ The question is, ‘What gifts do I have, and for which ministry are they best suited?’” (
What Shall I Say? Discerning God’s Call to Ministry, P. 5)

There is a wonderful discernment resource titled “Called to Lead.” Not only is it a great document for people who are considering public, ordained ministry, but it also has wonderful and thought-provoking questions throughout the whole resource for anyone who is discerning how God is calling them to use their gifts and talents for the sake of the gospel.

Whatever decisions you are discerning, I suggest inviting someone to coffee and putting these questions in front of you to discuss. Remember, Christ promises to be present in these conversations: “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them (Matt. 18.20).”

Should you wish to see the whole resource, you can find it on the Pasque Learning Community at www.sdsynodlearns.org/courses/called-to-lead.

Starting on page 5, the document focuses on baptismal language and vocation:

Baptism connects us to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in particular and public ways, forever joining our story to his, and his story to ours. In baptism we are clothed in Christ so that we become representatives of his presence and ambassadors of his good news. To live one’s baptism involves responding to Jesus’ call both to follow him and to go forth in his name, engaging in his own ministry to the world …

God’s richest blessings be upon your reflections and conversations!

Rev. Renee Splichal Larson
Associate to the Bishop for Candidacy, Congregation, and Rostered Minister Accompaniment


Upcoming Discernment Events

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Find Out More

If you’d like to have a conversation with someone about discernment, or your discernment process, fill out this form [link to form], and someone from the Synod staff will reach out to you shortly.