In Synod News

In 2012 South Dakota ELCA Sunday schools were asked to be in relationship with the “Train Up a Child” program to sponsor a classroom at Poli, Cameroon. Here is the report from the religious education director, Erik Sandvik, about that sponsorship and what it meant to the Poli church and elementary school. Religion is being taught along with the basics of education learning.

Thank you to all who took up the challenge and sponsored a classroom or part of the salaries for a classroom. If you would like a picture printed out please let Cathy Larson know otherwise feel free to print the pictures as posted on Facebook that you would like to show to your group to continue the promotion of this project in Cameroon.

In the report of Phil Nelson we learn there were also many Fulani children who benefited from the Train Up a Child Funds. Although we do not have the capability to show pictures of the individual children, know that there are children who benefit from the education they receive because of your donations.

Photos from Poli, Cameroon

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