In Lent

40 Day Journey with Our Neighbors in Solidarity

Week 3: First Lutheran African Ministry, Sioux Falls
Written By: Emmanuel Saye


The people who walked in darkness

    have seen a great light;

those who lived in a land of deep darkness—

    on them light has shined.


“…have a great light…”

The journey to America uncovered salvation for me. I came to the United States as a grown up. Before coming to this great country, I served my country, Liberia, as a “cop” for a decade. My parents were farmers and non-Christian so to say. So growing up, I literally had not encountered many church things. After high school, I joined the Police force. While serving my country as cop, I started church life through friends’ influence, but it didn’t take me anywhere. Sunday after Sunday, all you hear preached in church is glory gospel, and many junk messages are directed to preachers exalting and enriching themselves at the expense of parishioners. I was then practically a church goer not a church member. I was never involved with any church activities whatsoever, nor committed to regular fellowshipping. 

The text: “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light…” really literally speaks to me. I never had the gospel knowledge from childhood, and I later got into semi-church life – only to hear glory gospel that wasn’t truly appealing. But my transition to Sioux Falls, South Dakota and subsequent connection with First Lutheran AFRICAN Ministry had helped me uncover how grossly I was in the darkness, then the great light of the Gospel shone on me when Christ’s promise of forgiveness of sin was proclaimed. I just got baptized nearly two years ago. Out of the darkest darkness the Gospel light shone on me. Till date, I am still celebrating my baptism so to speak. What a great light!


Father God, I thank you for your grace and love that lifted me from the dungeon of sin to the great light of the Gospel. Help me live for you a victorious new life in Christ’s name. Amen.

Show solidarity:

As called out ones, we’re to translate this light to the world, our neighbors, and all walking in darkness.