About the Synod Council
The Synod Council shall be the board of directors of this synod and shall serve as its interim legislative authority between meetings of the Synod Assembly. It may make decisions which are not in conflict with actions taken by the Synod Assembly or that are not precluded by provisions of this constitution or the constitution and bylaws of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. (S10.02)
The functions of the Synod Council shall be to:
- Exercise trusteeship responsibilities on behalf of this synod.
- Recommend program goals and budgets to the regular meetings of the Synod Assembly.
- Carry out the resolutions of the Synod Assembly.
- Provide for an annual review of the roster Ministers of Word and Sacrament and the roster of Ministers of Word and Service, receive and act upon and make appropriate recommendations regarding those persons whose status is subject to reconsideration and action under the constitution and bylaws of Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and make a report to the Synod Assembly of the Synod Council’s actions in this regard.
- Issue letters of call to rostered ministers as authorized by Chapter 7 of the constitution and bylaws of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
- Fill vacancies until the next regular meeting of the Synod Assembly, except as may otherwise be provided in the constitution or bylaws of this synod, and determine the fact of the incapacity of an officer of this synod.
- Report its actions to the regular meeting of the Synod Assembly.
- Perform such other functions as are set forth in the bylaws of this synod, or as may be delegated to it by the Synod Assembly.
- Appoint task forces or committees necessary to carry out its duties and responsibilities and approve long term task forces or committees recommended by this synod’s boards and committees, the synod, or as may be delegated to it by this Synod Assembly.
Recent Minutes
Synod Council Minutes March 2022 (pdf)
Synod Council Minutes June 2022 (pdf)
Synod Council Minutes August 2022 (pdf)
Synod Council Minutes October 2022(pdf)
Synod Council Minutes March 2023
Synod Council Minutes June 2023
Synod Council Minutes August 2023
Synod Council Minutes November 2023
Synod Council Minutes March 2024 (pdf)
To contact members of the synod council, please contact the South Dakota Synod office by calling 605-274-4011 or email synod@sdsynod.org.
Bishop Constanze Hagmaier
Dennis Thompson, Vice President
Jill Beers, Secretary
Terry Johnson, Treasurer
Prairie Coteau
Rev. Michael DeKraai
Kristi Anderson
John Rasmussen
Rev. Jackie Braun
Gary Kaufmann
Marlee Braun
Deacon Christie Meier
Ann Rieck McFarland
Thad Titze
Rev. Jeff Otterman
Christy Harkness
Jake Hoffner
Northern Plains
Rev. Justin Van Orman
Chad Nilson
Kelly Nelson
Prairie Rivers
Rev. Becky Senner
Bonny Hansen
Jeff Clark
Bear Butte
Rev. Wilbur Holz
Craig Pfeifle
Jody Johnson
Juan A.
Dannielle T.