Devotions for the week of: September 23, 2020
Psalm 145:10
All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your faithful shall bless you. They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom, and tell of your power, to make known to all people your mighty deeds.
Music moves heart and body, engages the mind, soothes the soul. The parent singing a lullaby comforts a small child. The heartbeat pulse of drummers and drum at pow wow brings to life a world of dance, sound, and color. The lone voice singing hymns on the prairie, intertwines with the wind and meadowlark song. Music reminds us of where we come from, roots us in a moment, brings us together and goes with us on our way. Martin Luther called music a “gift and grace” of God, and “next to God’s word … the greatest treasure in the world.”
My best experiences with music have always been shared with other people.
In the church children’s choir, the high school marching band, and the community orchestra, I learned to appreciate the gifts others brought to the ensemble. I appreciated the passion people shared, the effort they made, the sounds they produced – without which the symphony we set out to perform would never be what it was always intended to be. Everybody was needed. This is certainly true for the church.
As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the ordination of women, the 40th anniversary of the first ordination of women of color and the 10th anniversary of the ordination of our LGBTQIA+ siblings in Christ, perhaps we do so as an orchestra that is more complete, more as it was always intended to be. An ensemble that celebrates and embraces the gifts and passions of those who are called to practice and play the song, recognizing that we are not the same if any of the players of the orchestra are missing. In joy and thanksgiving for what God has done and is doing let us encourage others to come and find their place in the band, lend their voice to the choir, so that we, as we are, diverse in our humanity, might enjoy together, the rich and harmonious symphony that resonates with God’s love and grace.
Reverend Patrick Jenkins
Grace Lutheran, Sisseton
God, we give you thanks for the gift of your grace and love in Jesus. Make us always to sing of your power and mighty deeds and to join voices with all those whom you have made and love so dearly and call to lead. Amen.
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