Devotions for the week of: May 27, 2020
Exodus 15:20-21
Then the prophet Miriam, Aaron’s sister, took a tambourine in her hand; and all the women went out after her with tambourines and with dancing. And Miriam sang to them: “Sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously; horse and rider he has thrown into the sea.”
Miriam is most definitely a leader, and here, she takes the role of lead singer. All the other women follow her as the background singers, with percussion and movement. I can only imagine the joy that filled their song and dance as together they praised the Lord. They had crossed the sea and survived, led by God’s work through Moses. They most certainly had something to celebrate!
When I went into labor I didn’t know if I would soon give birth to a son or daughter. My list of names for both was extensive. Once my daughter arrived, 33 hours later, I had something to celebrate. As I whittled down the list from my hospital bed while watching my sleeping daughter, I came back to the name Miriam. It was an uncommon name for this era with both a meaning and a story. It was just what I wanted for my child’s name. After spending a whole day nameless, she became Mirjam (a spelling variation of Miriam)!
Beyond this story of Miriam celebrating and singing for all the Lord had done, Miriam is also the sister of Moses and Aaron. She is named a prophet, as well. Additionally, Miriam is the one who offers to find someone to care for Moses after Pharaoh’s daughter rescues him from his basket in the river. She saved him, returned him to their mother, and ensured for her people a powerful leader. That is something to celebrate, too!
Pastor Cassandra Lamb
St John Lutheran Church, Warner
God of Miriam, Moses, and Aaron,
We are surrounded by your good work. Help us to notice it and celebrate it. Continue to give us something to celebrate! In this year of celebrating 50-40-10 help us to notice and celebrate the work of the women, people of color, and LGBTQIA+ people both near and far. Make us sing and dance for the good work you are doing. Amen.
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