Journeys Through Revelation: Preaching Apocalyptic Hope So Earth Is Not Left Behind
Fall Theological Conference
September 17, 2023 – September 19, 2023
Pierre, SD
The 2023 Fall Theological Conference will be held September 17-19 in Pierre, SD. The featured speaker will be Rev. Dr. Barbara Rossing of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, who will speaking on the theme “Journeys Through Revelation: Preaching Apocalyptic Hope So Earth Is Not Left Behind.”
About Rev. Dr. Barbara Rossing
The Rev. Dr. Barbara R. Rossing is professor of New Testament at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, where she has taught since 1994. She loves to teach and preach about the Bible, including the Bible’s role in public life.
An avid environmentalist, Rossing is involved with environmental initiatives at the seminary. Rossing received the bachelor of arts degree from Carleton College, the master of divinity degree from Yale University Divinity School and the doctor of theology degree from Harvard University.
She served as pastor of a congregation in Minnesota, director for Global Mission Interpretation for the American Lutheran Church, pastor at Holden Village Retreat Center, Chelan, Wash., and chaplain at Harvard University Divinity School.
Rossing has lectured and preached widely, including synod assemblies and global mission events for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), as well as ecumenical theological conferences. She has served on the executive committee and council of the Lutheran World Federation (2003-2010), and chaired the Lutheran World Federation’s theology and studies committee. She currently serves on the advisory committee for The Lutheran Magazine.
As a public theologian her media appearances have included “CBS Sixty Minutes” as well as The History Channel, National Geographic, Living the Questions, and numerous print and radio interviews.
Her publications include The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation (Basic Books, 2004); The Choice Between Two Cities: Whore, Bride and Empire in the Apocalypse (Trinity Press, 1999); two volumes of the New Proclamation commentary (Fortress Press, 2000 and 2004); a nine-session Bible study, Journeys Through Revelation: Apocalyptic Hope for Today (Presbyterian Women, 2010); and articles and book chapters on the Apocalypse and ecology.

Rev. Dr. Barbara Rossing
Professor of New Testament
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
Chicago, IL
About the Conference
The 2023 Fall Theological Conference will be held in person at Lutheran Memorial Church in Pierre, SD.
Lodging is available at the AmericInn by Wyndham in Ft. Pierre (312 Island Drive, Ft. Pierre, SD 57532) and there is a block of rooms held under “SD Synod”. The cost for a 2-Queen or 1-King Standard Room is $119.99 plus tax. Room reservations must be made by September 4th. Each registrant is responsible for making lodging arrangements. Call 605-223-2358.
Optional Activities
There are optional activities you can participate in on Monday, September 18 in the afternoon. The Oahu Dam Guided Tour and Bickering Brothers/Dakota Spirits Distillery tour do require advance registration.
- Oahe Dam Guided Tour at 2:30pm (free) – please sign-up in your registration.
- Bickering Brothers/Dakota Spirits Distillery Tour (free) – please sign-up in your registration.
- Other options for on-your-own activities will be listed in the Pierre Chamber packet.

Sunday, Sept. 17
- Opening Worship will include Dakota Road’s Remembering the Promise liturgy, led by the praise band of OSLC of Wessington Springs. Bishop Hagmaier will preach.
- We will also recognize Rostered Ministers/SAM’s/Seminarians new to the SD Synod.
- 217 W Missouri Ave, Pierre, SD 57501
Monday, Sept. 18th:
9:00am Opening Prayer/State of the Synod – Sanctuary
- Bishop Constanze Hagmaier
- Renee Splichal Larson, Associate to the Bishop
9:30am Session I: Rev. Dr. Barbara Rossing – Sanctuary
10:30am Coffee Break – Fellowship Hall
11:00am Session II: Rev. Dr. Barbara Rossing – Sanctuary
12:00pm Q&A Session with Rev. Dr. Barbara Rossing – Sanctuary
Monday, Sept. 18th (continued):
12:30pm Lunch (boxed lunches from Branding Iron Bistro) – Fellowship Hall
1:00pm Free Time
- Options for on-your-own activities listed in the Pierre Chamber packet
5:30pm Social Hour at Drifters Bar and Grille, 325 Hustan Ave, Fort Pierre, SD 57532
6:30pm Meal at Drifters
- State of the Synod (continued)
- Alan Blankenfeld, Rural Ministry Liaison
- Kathy McHenry, Lutheran Planned Generosity
Tuesday, Sept. 19th:
9:00am Session III: Rev. Dr. Barbara Rossing – Sanctuary
10:00am Sending Worship – Sanctuary
- Sending Worship will be led by the Synod Open Door Team
- Rev. Dr. Barbara Rossing will preach
Online Registration
- In-person and Zoom – $125
- Interns/Seminarians/Retired – $75
Please select the registration options to the right.
Registration closes Friday, September 1st.