Photo Credit: Bill Reynolds, Our Savior’s Lutheran

The 2022 South Dakota Synod Assembly was held on June 3-4, 2022 at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls, SD. It was good to be gathered as God’s people in South Dakota for the first time in person since 2019. Pastors, deacons, lay members, and visitors gathered each day in worship to center ourselves on the necessary work of the church. Assembly participants were invited to imagine new ways of being church through a series of Imagination Labs. In addition to worship and learning, here are some of the highlights of the synod assembly:
- Rev. Keith Fry, executive for administration in the Office of the Secretary, delivered the ELCA report on behalf of our Presiding Bishop, Rev. Elizabeth Eaton. Together, the congregations in the South Dakota Synod made it possible for the synod to share $812,120 with the churchwide organization to support our ministry together. Our deep faith and strong relationships across the ELCA provide the foundation for Mission Support sharing each year.
- Bishop Constanze Hagmaier shared highlights of the past year of synod ministry including the call of Pastor Alan Blankenfeld to serve as the synod’s Rural Ministry Liaison and the formation of the Digital Ministry Task Force. These new initiatives will support congregations and ministry sites of the South Dakota Synod imagine new ways of being church together in order that the Gospel will continue to be proclaimed throughout the South Dakota Synod. The “Church Basement Ladies” from Split Rock Lutheran Church provided commentary and challenged us all to not be afraid of change.
- Peggy Hahn, Executive Director of LEAD (Living Everyday as Disciples), was the keynote speaker. Peggy challenged us to think of “church” as a verb: from going to church to sent to be the church.
- Throughout the assembly, Glocal Musicians provided music leadership. Glocal is a coalition of musician educators that create music influenced by global themes in communities worldwide.
- Actions approved by the Synod Assembly included:
- Election of new South Dakota Synod Council Members and approval of synod committee members.
- Approval of new compensation and guidelines for rostered and lay staff.
- A memorial was adopted to the 2022 Churchwide Assembly to review the process for on leave from call roster status.
- The 2023 Mission Plan for the South Dakota Synod was adopted.
Thank you to all who participated in the synod assembly this year!
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