In Synod News
As of January 1, the official roster change is now in effect for Ministers of Word and Service. This action was voted on at the Churchwide Assembly in August. The South Dakota Synod is working on making the following title changes:
  • The title for a Diaconal Minister or Associate in Ministry is now Deacon. Ex. “Deacon Karen Johnson”.
  • The title for Deaconess is Sister.
    • Deaconesses can opt to change their title to Deacon by contacting Office of the Secretary at the ELCA, however, the community at large prefers to remain “sister.”
  • Term “rostered leader(s)” has been changed to “rostered minister(s)”.
  • Proper way to refer to rosters are: “Roster of Ministers of Word and Service,” and “Roster of Ministers of Word and Sacrament”.

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Secretary at the ELCA or the South Dakota Synod office.

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